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Okur, Beytullah; Zergeroglu, Erkan; Tatlicioglu, Enver

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Cetin, Kamil; Tatlicioglu, Enver; Zergeroglu, Erkan

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Bayrak, Alper; Tatlicioglu, Enver; Zergeroglu, Erkan; Deniz, Meryem

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Bidikli, Baris; Tatlicioglu, Enver; Zergeroglu, Erkan

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Dogan, Merve K; Tatlicioglu, Enver; Zergeroglu, Erkan; Cetin, Kamil

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Bayrak, Alper; Dogan, Firat; Tatlicioglu, Enver; Ozdemirel, Barbaros

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Deniz, Meryem; Bidikli, Baris; Bayrak, Alper; Ozdemirel, Barbaros; Tatlicioglu, Enver

Modelling twin rotor system with artificial neural networks Inproceedings


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Aksoy, Orhan; Zergeroglu, Erkan; Tatlicioglu, Enver

Inverse optimal adaptive output feedback control of Euler-Lagrange systems: A variable structure observer based approach Inproceedings

Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2015, ISSN: 07431546.

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Bidikli, Baris; Tatlicioglu, Enver; Zergeroglu, Erkan

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