(kivilcimyuksel [at] iyte.edu.tr)
Full List of our PUBLICATIONS:
Şamil SIRIN. Fiber Optic Current Sensor Interrogated By Phase-Sensitive Optical Time- Domain Reflectometer, IYTE, September 2019-2022.
Ertunga Burak KOCAL Development of a Simulation Tool for FBG-based Phase-OTDR Vibration Sensors, IYTE, September 2018-2021.
Melike DEMIREL Framework for evaluating security and maintenance issues in optical fiber access networks: case for Turkey, IYTE, December 2018-canceled.
Hurriyet YUCE CAKIR. Potential Applications of Inorganic Optical Elements and Polymeric Systems, IYTE, 2018-2022.
Cansu IDE. Analysis and implementation of long period fiber grating and Fresnel reflection-based sensors for refractive index measurement of liquids, IYTE, July 2017.
Anil YILMAZ. Analysis and implementation of optical fiber sensors for process monitoring of composie materials, IYTE, December 2016.
Gizem SOYLU. Exploiting second harmonic generation for microelectronics interface characterization, IYTE, July 2016.
Deniz OZCAN PALA. Analysis and modeling of a novel approach for the interrogation unit of fiber Bragg gratings sensors using optical frequency- domain reflectometry techniques, IYTE, July 2014.
( by Dogukan Irfan CERCI)
(by Elif Yıldırım, Ali Özçelik)
(by Arda Metin Akdar, E. Taşdeviren)
(by Eylül ÇAKIR, Barış Deniz GÖKMEN)
(by Ceyhun Efe KAYAN)
(by Engin Yunus Güner)
(by Ege Kızgın)
(by Arda Şahin)- Tubitak 2209
(by Florent Dransart, HELHa, Belgium)-Erasmus Internship Programme
(by Şamil Şirin)-Tübitak-2209
(by Hazal Kahraman)-Tübitak 2209
(by Onur Ateş)-Tübitak 2209
(by Doğuş Karabulut)
(by Nazlıcan Yılmaz, Büşra Akbulut)
(by Ali Yılmaz, UMONS, Belgium)-Erasmus Internship Programme
(by Remzi Altunörs and Çağla Demir)
(by Serkan Ormancı)
(by Anıl Yılmaz)
Cansu İDE ÇETİN (2014-2017): Research and development engineer at Optify (The Netherlands).
Formerly worked at Ermaksan and Nanotam upon graduation.
Anıl YILMAZ (2013-2016): System Safety Engineer at Volvo Cars (Sweden)
Deniz ÖZCAN PALA (2012-2014): International Projects Team Leader at Kentkart (Izmir, TR)
Hazal Kahraman (2019): System design engineer at ASELSAN (Ankara, TR).
Doğuş Karabulut (2018): Data scientist at Veriff (Estonie).
Nazlıcan Yılmaz (2017): System engineer at ASELSAN (Ankara, TR)
Büşra Akbulut (2017): Product and support engineer at OSIsoft (Germany).
Çağla Demir (2016): Information security engineer at NETSMART (Istanbul, TR)
PhD Thesis Defense Seminar by Mr Béni J. Pierre Fourier Sandah
Composition of the jury: Prof. B. Maes (UMONS/FS, president), Prof. K. Yüksel (IYTE – Turkey, member), Dr J.-C. Beugnot (FEMTO-ST – France, member), Dr Y. Hernandez (MULTITEL, member), Prof. V. Moeyaert (UMONS/FPMs, secretary), Prof. M. Dossou (Université d’Abomey-Calavi – Benin, co-supervisor), Prof. M. Wuilpart (UMONS/FPMs, supervisor).
The whole jury got together in Mons on the 28th of January 2025 to attend the private defense related to the PhD thesis of Mr Béni J. Pierre Fourier Sandah, entitled “Study and mitigation of crosstalk and fading effects in fibre Bragg grating-assisted direct-detection phase optical time-domain reflectometry“.
The meeting began by an oral presentation of Mr Sandah, focusing on the context of his work, its objectives and the main scientific contributions brought by the research. The presentation was followed by a three-hour session of questions and answers, after which the jury deliberated.
Graduation Project Poster and Demo Session
The results of the graduation project entitled “Communication Protocol for FBG Interrogator Using Python” presented by Dogukan Irfan CERCI.
PhD Thesis Defense Seminar by Şeyma Arslanyürek
Research assistant Şeyma Arslanyürek successfully defended his thesis titled “Evanescent Field-Based Optical Force Techniques for the Manipulation of Spherical and Non-spherical Nanoparticles” on December 13, 2024.
Dr. Yüksel took part in the thesis evaluation process both as a member of the thesis monitoring committee and as a jury member.
This study was conducted under the supervision of Prof. Dr. M. Salih Dinleyici and achieved precise, practical, and three-dimensional manipulation of nanoparticles at the nanoscale using Gaussian Evanescent Waves (GEW).
As part of the thesis, interference patterns were created through phase modulation between GEW sources, enabling the development of innovative filtering and guidance mechanisms. The proposed systems successfully manipulate both spherical and non-spherical particles and provide functional nanoparticle manipulation through reconfigurable modules.
Seminar about Fiber Optic Sensor Applications
With the support of the IZTECH Optics and Photonics Society and the IEEE IZTECH Photonics Society, we welcomed Mr. Erkan Özkan from SAMM Teknoloji, who provided detailed insights into the company’s mission, vision, and current and planned R&D activities.
Best Course Design Award for EE412 Optical Communications
Dr. Kıvılcım Yüksel gave an interview about the course ‘EE412, Optical Communications.’
New paper published in Sensors
The results of our IraSME project have been published!
It has set a great example for both international cooperation between SMEs as well as academia-industry cooperation models.
Fisens Lab would like to thank each author of our article for their contribution.
Oğuz Deniz Merdin, Damien Kinet, Murat Merdin, Corentin Guyot, Christophe Caucheteur
Dr. Yüksel gave a talk at IZPHOTECH’24
The IZPHOTECH’24, organized in collaboration with the IZTECH Department of Photonics, the IZTECH Optical and Photonics Society (IZTECH OPS), and the IEEE Photonics Student Chapter, and supported by Optica and the IEEE Photonics Society, took place on October 21-22, 2024, with significant participation.
Dr. Kıvılcım Yüksel contributed to the event, which brought together academic and industrial stakeholders in the field of Photonic Science and Technologies, with her speech on Fiber Optic Sensors. We would like to sincerely thank all speakers and participants who contributed to the realization of this scientific event.
Dr. Yüksel Selected for List of Top-Cited Scientists
IZTECH Scientific Project Kick-off Meeting
Best Course Design Award for EE412 Optical Communications
Dr. Kıvılcım Yüksel was awarded the third prize for the course ‘EE412, Optical Communications.’
Under the leadership of our Rector Prof. Dr. Yusuf Baran and our Vice Rector for Education Prof. Dr. Gamze Tanoğlu, in collaboration with the Institute’s Directorate of Education and UZEM, the third ‘IZTECH Best Course Design Awards’ have been announced.
Expert visit for FOSASMICROHEAT (IraSME) Project
PhD Thesis Defense Seminar by Enes ATAC
We are searching for 2 Doctoral Candidates at FiSENS Lab
Within the scope of “WATER4ALL”, one of the projects supported by the European Commission through the COFUND call in the Horizon Europe Marie S. Curie Area, coordinated by Izmir Institute of Technology (IZTECH) and funded by TUBITAK Co-Financing, Doctoral Candidates (DCs) are sought.
The Sustainable Water Management (SWM) doctoral training programme, WATER4ALL, brings together complementary expertise of a diverse group of researchers from four leading universities in Türkiye to offer unique interdisciplinary, intersectoral and international research and training opportunities for 20 highly competitive Doctoral Candidates (DCs).
The deadline of application is 15 June 2024. The accepted researchers’ salaries and expenses will be co-funded by the European Commission and TUBITAK.
Details and Announcement Text (English):
Applicants must not have been in Türkiye for more than 12 months in the last 3 years (by the closing date of the call) (regardless of whether Turkish or foreign).
With this call, 20 successful applicants will begin their doctoral programme at the start of the academic year 2024-2025, i.e. October 2024.
Thesis Proposal Seminar
Büşra Durak gave a talk on “Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors in Industrial Heating Systems”
Dr Serap YİĞEN gave a tutorial on state of the art screen technologies (LCD, OLED, QLED, ledWall, …), Optical Design issues dealt with in her team, trends and perspectives of consumer electronics applications.
We attended ELECO 2023, Sensors and Instrumentation track, Fiber optic based communications and sensor applications session with an oral presentation:
Fiber Bragg Grating sensors in Industrial Heating Systems
This work was carried out as a part of the FOSASMICROHEAT (Fiber Optic Sensor Assisted Safe Industrial Microwave Heating System) project that was financially supported by TUBITAK 1071 (Türkiye), (project no: 121N476 and 121N535) and SPW, (Wallonia / Belgium), (project no: 2110128) in the frame of the 27th IraSME call.
Kıvılcım Yüksel won the 2023 research scholarship of the French Embassy in Türkiye. The aim of the mission carried out within the scope of the French Embassy Mobility scholarships is to enable Turkish researchers to interact with French research teams.
This program, which is an advanced research scholarship, aims to create new scientific collaborations between France and Türkiye.
In this context, Dr Yüksel visited the XLIM Research Institute, Fiber Photonics group in Limoges, France, for 4 weeks and carried out research and education activities.
During her stay, she also gave a masterclass on Fiber Optic Sensors and Applications in addition to various seminars presenting both IZTECH and our department.
Excited to organize our IRASME R&D Project Workshop on 27th October 2023!
We discussed the advancements in Fiber Optic Sensors, Industrial Heating Systems, and the innovative use of Microwaves in Food Processing.
Collaborating with partners like , B-SENS – Creative Sensing Solutions, UMONS and MET Advanced Technology Systems, it was an enlightening experience.
We would like to thank Prof. Dr. Canan VARLIKLI for her valuable consultancy and Optics and Photonics society of IZTECH for their technical support.
Lasers and Their Industrial Applications Workshop 2 was held with the sponsorship of Durmazlar Holding. During the workshop, representatives from Durma Next, Aselsan, OzOptics, Lumos Lazer, Şişecam, LISA Laser Products, and Scansonics shared their knowledge on topics such as laser electronics, machine learning in photonics, industrial applications of lasers, and related subjects.
We would like to thank Durmazlar and Prof. Dr. Canan VARLIKLI for providing this opportunity to IZTECH students.
Design and Modeling of Ring Resonators: Feasibility Study for Temperature Sensor
We hosted SAMM Teknoloji Inc, which provides production, design (R&D), installation and support services in the fiber optic systems, IoT, Industrial Heating and Electrical and Electronics sectors, on our campus.
After the university-industry cooperation protocol was signed between SAMM and İYTE, SAMM officials visited;
We held a technical meeting focusing on the processing of fiber optic-based vibration sensor data with artificial intelligence algorithms. We expect that the development of new projects will turn into high value-added products between the two institutions.
We would like to thank SAMM officials, Mr. Bülent Toksöz (R&D and Technology Director), Mr. Erkan Özkan (R&D Manager), our department professor Dr. Abdurrahman Gümüş and our esteemed rector Prof Dr Yusuf Baran for his full support regarding university-industry collaborations.
The European Commission has granted İzmir Institute of Technology the Human Resources Excellence in the Field of Research Award (HRS4R).
Dr. Kıvılcım Yüksel contributes to the implementation phase of HRS4R as an active member of Supervision working group.
We participated to Condensed Matter Physics Izmir Meeting that was held by Department of Physics, IZTECH.
Hande Toffoli Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (Düzensiz Ortamlarda Reaksiyon Dinamiği Teorisi: BiNiX Üçlü Metal Alaşımları Kullanılarak CH4 gazından H2 eldesi)
Hasan Yılmaz Bilkent Üniversitesi – UNAM
(Dalga yüzü şekillendirme ile karmaşık fotonik sistemlerde ışık saçılımı kontrolü)
Cüneyt Şahin Bilkent Üniversitesi – UNAM
Geniş Bant Aralıklı Yarı (İletkenlerde Geçiş Metali Merkezlerinin Elektronik ve Spin Özellikleri)
Yeşim Moğulkoç Ankara Üniversitesi (İki Boyutlu Manyetik Heteroyapılar)
In this study, a two-stage feature extraction methodology that combines the capabilities of these neural network architectures with transfer learning is proposed to classify vibrations applied to an optical fiber by a piezoelectric transducer. First, the differential amplitude and phase information is extracted from the phase-sensitive optical time domain reflectometer.
Phase-OTDR recordings and stored in a spatiotemporal data matrix. Then, a state-of-the-art pre-trained CNN without dense layers is used as a feature extractor in the first stage. In the second stage, LSTMs are used to further analyze the features extracted by the CNN. Finally, a dense layer is used to classify the extracted features. To observe the effect of different CNN architectures, the proposed model is tested with five state-of-the-art pre-trained models (VGG-16, ResNet-50, DenseNet-121, MobileNet, and Inception-v3). The results show that using the VGG-16 architecture in the proposed framework manages to obtain a 100% classification accuracy in 50 trainings and got the best results on the phase-OTDR dataset. The results of this study indicate that pre-trained CNNs combined with LSTM are very suitable to analyze the differential amplitude and phase information represented in a spatiotemporal data matrix, which is promising for event recognition operations in DAS applications.
Our senior undergraduate students presented their posters and demonstrated project artefacts.
A project entitled “Implementation of a Phase Demodulation Algorithm for Optical Reflectometry Systems” was realised and successfully demonstrated.
Seminar titles are as follows:
Dr Bharti is a recipient of “Transformative Researcher of the Year Award-2022 for EE Department” which was awarded by Chandigarh University. Currently, he is an Assistant Professor in Electrical Engineering Department of Chandigarh University.
His current research interests include Photonics, Optical Sensor, Optical Signal Processing and Nonlinear Optics.
He is the active member of IEEE, IEEE Photonics Society, IEEE Sensors Council, IEEE Nanotechnology Council, OPTICA (Formerly OSA), SPIE and other professional bodies. He is the founder and past Chairman of the IEEE NIT Agartala student branch. Currently, he is a Chapter Advisor of IEEE Photonics Society Chandigarh University Student Branch Chapter.
In this paper, the parasitic components (i.e., multi-reflections, Rayleigh scattering, photodetector noise, and phase variations due to external perturbations) are analysed and based on this analysis, a new signal to noise ratio (SNR) definition is provided suitable for the FBG-assisted Phase-OTDR system. A detailed analysis of performance parameters in the presence of multi reflection crosstalk (including its first- and second-order components) and spectral shadowing crosstalk is presented. SNR was calculated for different reflectivity and spacing lengths showing that the maximum number of cascaded FBGs can be significantly increased by using lower FBG reflectivity.
It was also observed that the spacing length distance does not have a significant impact on the maximum number of FBGs that can be interrogated. By comparing single-pulse and double-pulse configurations, the use of double pulse was shown to provide higher SNR values when the number of FBGs is around 100 FBGs. The multi-reflection crosstalk when combined with the spectral-shadowing effect was demonstrated to create secondary crosstalk components making the interpretation of spectral analysis more difficult.
Current Sensing Using a Phase-Sensitive Optical Time Domain Reflectometer: Feasibility Study
A novel method for distributed current sensing using an FBG-assisted Phase-OTDR with Mach-Zehnder Interferometer is proposed. The detrimental effect of the intrinsic linear birefringence of the sensing fiber is solved by calibration. An FBG pair is written at the two ends of the spun fiber coil to eliminate phase fading and increase the measurement accuracy. A simulation tool was developed to reveal the feasibility of the approach by investigating the impact of the detector noise as well as the effects of bending- and FBG-induced linear birefringence on the sensing performance.
IZTECH Photonics Department hosted representatives of ASELSAN Laser Systems Directorate giving valuable presentations. They introduced ASELSAN and shared with us the work of the Microelectronics and Electro-Optics Sector Presidency (MGEO) Laser Systems Design Department in particular.
October 20, Thursday
09:30 – 10:00 Opening
10:00 – 11:00 Sheng-Lung Huang – Optical Coherence Tomography: Technologies and Challenges (National Taiwan University) 11:00 – 12:00 Atilla Aydınlı – Evolution of Laser Technologies
12:00 – 14:00 BREAK
14:00 – 15:00 Elias Stathatos – All printed third generation solar cells and modules made of perovskites under ambient conditions
(University of Peloponnese)
15:00 – 16:00 Serap Güneş – Recent Developments in Emerging PV Technologies (Yıldız Technical University)
16:00 – 17:00 Mehmet Öğüt – Applications of Photonics in remote sensing (NASA JPL)
17:00 – 18:00 Sudip Shekhar – Scaling up silicon photonic-based accelerators:Challenges and opportunities (University of British Columbia)
October 21, Friday
10:00 – 11:00 Serhat Tozburun – Photothermal Coagulation of the Superficial Layer of the Esophagus (9 Eylül University)
11:00 – 12:00 Wim Bogaerts – Programmable Photonics (Ghent University and IMEC)
12:00 – 14:00 BREAK
14:00 – 15:00 Richard Zeltner – Sensing using optically trapped micro particles (Menlo Systems GmbH)
15:00 – 16:00 Hasan Göktaş – Photonic-MEMS for Programable Photonic Integrated Circuits (Izmir Institute of Technology) 16:00 – 17:00 Amr Helmy – Efficient Plasmonic Circuits for Data Communications (University of Toronto)
Purpose of the workshop:
To follow the developments in global laser technologies and their applications.
To help accelerate the development of laser technologies.
To determine the status of the technology infrastructure as well as, the needs and capabilities of the sector.
To identify needs for the development of lasers and their components.
To bring together researchers and industry players to make economic predictions on global and domestic laser technologies.
Şamil Şirin and Aybüke Özçelik have gotten a professional certificate in
Phot1x: Silicon Photonics Design, Fabrication and Data Analysis,
a course offered by UBCx, an online learning initiative of The University of British Columbia through edX. Silicon Photonics is a promising study area which combines the advantages of already-existing silicone technology for electronic chips with light-based high-speed communication.
OZ Optics Ltd. was at IzTECH
Thesis Proposal Seminar
Transnational cooperative research and development project support from IraSME
Term Project Seminars in the framework of graduate course
EE513 (Fiber Optic Sensors)
by Ceren Özkal
An overview of FBG-assisted Phase-OTDR Techniques presented at ICTON’2020
Our paper has been accepted for a poster presentation at the International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors (OFS 2020)
Şamil Şirin joined EE Department and our Lab as research assistant
Ligth Fidelity (Li-Fi) demo realised
Set-up demo video:
We participated to Technology Days organised by Izmir Universities Platform
Şamil Şirin gave a talk on “Development of a simulation tool for vibration sensors based on Phase-OTDR interrogator” at ASYU’2019
Dr. Yüksel organised and chaired a special session at ASYU’2019
Dr. Yüksel was at UMONS (Belgium)
Tubitak 2209-A Grant obtained for three graduation projects
Ertunga Burak Koçal joined EE Department and our Lab as research assistant
Dr. Yüksel’s project proposal for TUBITAK BIDEB-2219 International Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program was granted
Dr. Yüksel became an academic board member of Photonics Department of IZTECH
Dr. Yüksel became an academic collaborator of Electromagnetism and Telecommunication Department of Mons University (UMONS, Belgium)