Doktora mezunumuz Fatih Güleç DAAD Doktora sonrası araştırmacı bursu almaya hak kazandı

Bölümümüz doktora mezunu Dr. Fatih GÜLEÇ, DAAD kısa-dönem doktora sonrası araştırmacı bursu almaya hak kazanmıştır. Dr. Güleç, “İnsanlar arası hava yoluyla patojen bulaşmasının moleküler haberleşme kullanılarak uçtan uca sistem modellemesi” konulu çalışmalarını, Berlin Teknik Üniversitesi’nde, Prof. Dr. Falko Dressler tarafından yönetilen, Telekomünikasyon Ağları Grubunda gerçekleştirecektir.
Dr. Fatih Güleç ve tez danışmanı Prof. Dr. Barış Atakan’ı tebrik ederiz.

Tez Özeti: This thesis focuses on modeling, analysis, and novel experimental techniques in molecular communication (MC). The objective of this thesis is to develop novel engineering solutions and modeling approaches to enable MC applications. The first part of the thesis is about microscale MC studies. In this part, a model of how a receiver nanomachine measures and reconstructs a molecular signal is proposed with a probabilistic approach. In the second part, macroscale MC studies with active transmitters are given. An experimental setup which includes a sprayer emitting alcohol molecules as a transmitter and an alcohol sensor as the receiver is employed. Using the data collected by this setup, five statistical methods, a feature extraction algorithm and the fluid dynamics-based distance estimation algorithm are proposed for distance estimation. Furthermore, a novel droplet-based signal reconstruction approach to channel modeling is proposed. Moreover, MC is utilized to propose an end-to-end system model which considers pathogen-laden cough/sneeze droplets as the input and the infection state of the human as the output. In addition, the concept of mobile human ad hoc network which exploits the similarity of airborne transmission-driven human groups with mobile ad hoc networks and uses MC as the enabling paradigm is introduced. Finally, macroscale MC studies with passive transmitters are detailed in the third part. A novel experimental platform which consists of an evaporating alcohol source and a sensor network is proposed. A sensor network based clustered localization algorithm is proposed to estimate the location of the passive transmitter.

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