Undergraduate elective course list

Prerequisite -          Co-requisite Current  ECTS credits
EE 311 Digital Electronics (3-0) 3 6
EE 334 Introduction to Numerical Computation for Electrical Engineers (3-0) 3 6
EE 401 Neural Networks (3-0) 3 6
EE 402 Inroduction To Natural Language Processing  (3-0) 3 6
EE 411 Fundamentals of Photonics (3-0) 3 6
EE 412 Lightwave Communication (3-0) 3 6
EE 423 Antennas (3-0) 3 6
EE 425 Microwave Engineering (3-0) 3 6
EE 426 Introduction to Microwave and Antenna Measurements (1-4) 3 6
EE 430 Introduction to Systems Biology (3-0) 3 6
EE 431 Introduction to Image and Video Processing (3-0) 3 6
EE 432 Speech Processing (3-0) 3 6
EE 433 Introduction to Digital Signal Processing (3-0) 3 6
EE 434 Biomedical Signal Processing (3-0) 3 6
EE 436 Mathematical Foundations of Signal Processing and Systems (3-0) 3 6
EE 440 Wireless Networking Technologies (3-0) 3 6
EE 442 Computer Networks (3-0) 3 6
EE 443 Embedded Systems (3-2) 4 6
EE 444 Introduction to CMOS Integrated Circuit Design (3-0) 3 6
EE 445 Supplementary Curricular Courses  (3-0) 3 6
EE 446 Embedded Systems II (3-2) 4 EE443 dersinin geçilmiş olması. 6
EE 452 Digital Coding of Waveforms (3-0) 3 6
EE 453 Software Defined Communications (3-0) 3 6
EE 454 Introduction to Automotive Electronics (3-0) 3 EE103, EE142, EE204, EE313 derslerinin geçilmiş olması 6
EE 455 Mobile Communication (3-0) 3 6
EE 461 Nonlinear Control Systems (3-0) 3 6
EE 462 Optimal Control (3-0) 3 6
EE 463 Introduction to Robotics (3-0) 3 6
EE 465 Industrial Power Electronics (3-0) 3 6
EE 466 Advanced Industrial Power Electronics (3-2) 4 6
EE 467 Introduction to Digital Control Systems (3-0) 3 6
EE 470 Introduction To Software Engineering  (2-2) 3 6
EE 472 Nonlinear Time Series Analysis (3-0) 3 6
EE 491 Project (1-4) 3 6
EE 492 Project (1-4) 3 6
EE 499 Cooperative Education Course (0-6) 3 10