
Project Course (EE491/EE492) Announcements

Our students who take the graduation project can follow the current announcements about the course here.

Announcement dated 24.05.2024:

EE492 Projects presentation date and list have been added. Presentations will be held on May 30-31. The relevant document includes the presentation date and the classes in which it will be held. Please make sure to be at the presentation at the specified time.

Note: If your name is not on the list, the reason is that you did not record your name and project name in the relevant word document (opened for every class in Microsoft Teams), even though it is stated as mandatory in the previous announcement.

Announcement for 2023-2024 Spring Semester EE492 Course:

Classes were opened for each group via Microsoft Teams. All students are required to register for the course in their group.

Course codes have been announced in the Project Evaluation Juries file. In each course group, there is a file called project list in the files section. Each student will write their name and surname in the first column of the file (if they are in a group, everyone’s name will be written in that box!), the name of their project in the second column, and the name of their advisor in the third column. The deadline to register for groups and fill out the project list file is May 15. If you fail to perform these  until the due date, your oral presentations will not be planned.

Project Oral Presentations: Week of May 27, 2024 (Date/Time information will be shared later)

Final project Thesis Report Delivery Date: June 12, 2024 (To be uploaded to Microsoft Teams.)

Graduation Project Poster Presentation: June 14, 2024. G-1 and G-2 groups in the project presentation list will perform their poster presentations between 10:00-12:00 in the morning, and G-3 and G-4 groups will perform their poster presentations between 14:00-16:00.

Project Course (EE491/ EE492) Guidelines and Attachments